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Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Venus, Oh Venus!

Monz makes like Frankie Avalon and gives props to the solar happenings of the day. You see, Monz was so moved by Dan Brown's bestseller "The Da Vinci Code" that, after researching the claims made within it, goes on his own Grail Quest to find the holy female that lurks among us. He's even gone as far as to check out this site. And then...

Oh who are we kidding? Of course Monz isn't on a grail quest for the holy feminine! He's chowing down on a homemade sandwich consisting of ham, beef, and cheddar horseradish cheese and multigrain bread -- all from Anton's, not Antoinette's! He's also taken the heel of that bread and put some organic peanut butter on it. And thrown-in some psychedelic cherries as well. Now there's a lunch worthy of a grail quest!
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