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Monday, August 02, 2004

Go West Young Monz!

Monz travels to the Naper Settlement to secure someone's American Dream. The energy that such a deed (pun intended) requires has sapped all excitement out of the return to the new Jewel. A glimmer of hope: possible visits to the BookZeller and Anderson's. In our conversation with Monz today a subject appropo of nothing came up: Interpol. Interpol is like the Rick Saucedo of Joy Division -- not the real thing but an incredible impersonation. The problem is that Interpol dropped its cover, if not its pants, for an appearance in some laddie magazine where they are pictured with friggin' smiles on their mugs. Talk about a pin to the balloon! So the editors discontent themselves with "Send in the Clowns," Schubert's Piano Sonata in b-flat major and the collected works of Bobby Sutliff.
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