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Monday, February 21, 2005

Go Ask Alice When She's Ten Pixels Tall!

MYL: Hi Alice, what do you think of Mark Monz' new lunch routine?
ALICE: I will ask my botmaster for the answer.
MYL: He's always having a lean-meat sandwich on whole grain bread.
ALICE: I see. having a lean meat sandwich on whole grain bread is he?
MYL: Yes, with carrots and apples.
ALICE: Come on. You and your carrots and apples.
MYL: No, not me, Mark Monz!
ALICE: Are you serious? If not you, who? Who are you talking about?
MYL: Everybody knows the Monz!
ALICE: I'm not sure I believe you, surely not everyone does.

Obviously Alice must live in some sort of fantasy world...

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