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Wednesday, February 09, 2005

One for the Fellas!

Same as yesterday, except we've been mistaken: it's mustard, not mayo, and today there's an apple trying to impersonate a banana.

Ladies, we beg your indulgence and request that you to stop reading the blog for today -- the rest of today's entry is not for you. We promise you a ladies-only entry in the near future!

Ok guys, chances are you've been annoyed this winter by a taunting, teasing, nontelling radio spot encouraging you to get a fake tan by using some lotionpotion. The spot is read by a breathy woman who ends the ad by saying "when I'm looking for a guy to keep me warm this winter, only those with a hot, healthy tan will get a second look from me. So get [product name here], and give yourself a chance." (Interestingly, her attempted "come hither" tone kinda fades with the last few words, as-if her endurance for striking this vocal pose was running out). After all that, you figure this voice better belong to somebody pretty hot themselves. The version that runs on ESPN Radio 1000 tells you that the voice belongs to one of their bimbo brigade, Jacqueline of the ESPN "Fuegos." As a public service, we satiate your curiosity and throw in the gratuitous comment that Jacqueline better not try this guff on television!

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