Tuesday, May 17, 2005
Shiver and Shudder!
How powerful is the cold that rages against the Monz? Powerful enough to keep him from making lunch, opting for two dogs from Jeff's (everything but onions). We haven't been this negatively moved since we were at Starbucks and saw the display hawking "Antigone Rising" -- some marketers idea of the perfect Starbucks band (new agey, all women). Even the lead singer's name ("Cassidy" -- that's it, just "Cassidy") makes us want to take the Weavers' hammer to every David Crosby solo album in existance. (The preceding was an opinion which only reflects the views of the editors and not ncessarily the Monz. But suffice to say if we ever played Monz some David Crosby solo material, there would be a Gram Nashing of teeth...)
How powerful is the cold that rages against the Monz? Powerful enough to keep him from making lunch, opting for two dogs from Jeff's (everything but onions). We haven't been this negatively moved since we were at Starbucks and saw the display hawking "Antigone Rising" -- some marketers idea of the perfect Starbucks band (new agey, all women). Even the lead singer's name ("Cassidy" -- that's it, just "Cassidy") makes us want to take the Weavers' hammer to every David Crosby solo album in existance. (The preceding was an opinion which only reflects the views of the editors and not ncessarily the Monz. But suffice to say if we ever played Monz some David Crosby solo material, there would be a Gram Nashing of teeth...)