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Monday, February 27, 2006

That's Why We Said "Hey Man, Bad Shot!"

Friday night circa 6:30 PM the EIC was leaving the myl offices, when a suited man exited the elevator ahead of him. As they made their way to the security desk to check out, the suited man shouted "Can I make it?!" and threw his half-filled water bottle across the security guard's desk, trying to "make a basket" into the trash can next to her. The guard startled, the EIC startled, and the bottle hit the wall and bouced-off. In a rare moment of wit and bravado which tends to make the EIC's mother nervous, the EIC said "Guess not." The suited man didn't look happy.

But Monz hits the target with a footlong turkey on Hearty Italian with peppers and cheese from "the place."
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