Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Monz Here.
With the editorial staff out in sunny LA having fun and waiting for the big earthquake, I'm here in the cold, soggy midwest eating lunch. So, I decided to have a rare treat today to comfort myself. I dug out my Obie's menu and ordered up a famous Obie Burger and a side salad. Well . . . It was kinda yummy, but I should have asked what a famous Obie burger was before I ordered it because it came slathered in bacon and onions, and if there's one thing the Monz must pick off, its bacon and most of the onions. So I wolfed it down and now I'm sitting here enjoying my onion hangover and gastro-intestinal distress. Now I'm gonna have to hit the gym extra hard tonight. Last time I was there, I got yelled at by the oldest personal trainer, who interrupted a session with someone to yell at me about how crappy my squats were. Tonight I feel like being left alone so I hope I don't run into him!