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Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Sinister Forces Attack MYL!

Monz has The Usual. We have trouble. Remember that surprise super special secret sleuthing the research staff was working on? Remember the photos that we promissed? Well, someone leaked the news -- the myl remote offices were apparently ransacked and the pictures electronically destroyed!

We know you're out there, sinister stealers from the slothfull. We know you're reading. So read this: we know about how you've cracked the human genetic code so-as to tap into certain primal forces that are impossible to resist. And those phictures were ironclad proof. You think by destroying them you'll prey upon the legions of those who follow Monz' lunch? HA! We have other sources! Laugh now, while you can!
Who are these sinisters? And are you calling yourself slothful?  
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