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Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Paging Doctor Monz!

Monz has a delightfully adequate burito lunch in Waukegan with She Who Cannot Be Named 2. More importantly, why did it take so long to blog this and why has the blog sucked of late? We offer two possibilities:

1) Don Lapre has unleashed a legion of evil forces to harrass the editors until the capitulate in their quest to expose his informercial iniquithy.

2) The editors are losing their moonlighting jobs are in the middle of major office warfare among their bosses.

We think #1 has more "explanatory power" but we'll let you be the judge!

Meanwhile, the Music Editor (ME) recently provided Monz with the 2006 edition of his cd compilation. Monz, who has endur...listened to these compilations for over 20 years, has some interesting comments which we will provide tomorrow.
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