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Friday, October 13, 2006

Shameless Hussey!

Yeah, I gave up on following up last week's road trip to Ming Toy for a trip back to Hussey's. Hussey's is a tavern, and a popular lunch joint here. In my head, I associated "Tavern" and "Popular Lunch Joint" with the hamburger -- the bedrock staple against which all tavern lunch joints must be evaluated. It dawned on me that I've never had their hamburger. So I went there, with a table full of doc's to review in tow, and ordered the burger with swiss cheese. It came quickly, and as I sat there surrounded by smoking state's attorney's andsmoking criminal defense dudes, I noticed the burger was rectangular, shaped to fit the roll it was on. First impressions, pretty good, not cooked well enough, but tasty. Second impressions? This is the saltiest burger I've ever had!! Man! WATER!! WATER!!! Ok, I tried it, so far I'm still alive. Maybe next week I'll run back to Ming Toy for some more traditional chinese chow.
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