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Tuesday, October 10, 2006

You Spin Me Right Round Baby Right Round!

For Monz life is, if not simple, direct and pleasurable. Do you only have mini-size bread in the house? Make 2 mini-size sandwiches. And make them delicious! Tavern ham, horesey mustard, tommy turkey, complex mustard. 2 different string cheeses (sargento (tm) and cheddar), an apple, and a banana.

For the editors, life is not simple and direct. One thing the editors enjoy doing in the spirit of munificience is converting friends' vinyl albums to digital format. After all, you never know when one might have a compelling need to listen to some undigitized Grand Funk just sitting in your record collection! Unfortunately they had run into bad luck of late with turntables. First they needed a new needle. Ha! So they bought a used turntable off craigslist, the $10 exchange made in an empty Wal-Mart parking lot that probably looked like a drug deal to the untrained eye. This worked fine for about six months, then it broke. Ok, back to Radio Shack for a turntable. But for some reason the editors could not get the belt that turns the turntable to install correctly, leading the a series of madening returns. After a shockingly rude response to a Craigslist ad which solicited a "best offer," the editors turned to Ebay(tm) for two turntables which indeed turned, but emitted an unpleasant electrical "buzzing" sound. Desperate, the editors turned to a USB turntable which wasn't overly difficult to install, but whose software was (and is) madeningly difficult to operate. After much trial and error the editors succeeded, though they also succeeded in figuring out the old analog system and may just total record albums the old fashion way.

The editors will be gone the rest of the week (in St. Paul, absorbing an IP seminar and disolving into a quivering emotional mass -- the two not entirely related), leaving the capable and now-familiar blog face of the Monz in charge.
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