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Thursday, November 02, 2006

Hey Now, You're a Rock Star!

Sometimes Monz is so brilliant, he transcends lunch. Like, take those Nissan Sentra commercials -- "A Film By Mark Horowitz" where young laddy Mark Horor claims that he is documenting his attempt to live out of his new Nissan Sentra for a week. Now, we're not so naive to think this idea war organic: we figured they paid this dude to do this for use in a commercial. Then we saw commercial #2, where Mark is arguing to a gas station cashiere that he deserves a free car wash even though he didn't spend much in gas. The gas station is PLASTERED IN ADS FOR ROCKSTAR ENERGY DRINK. THERE ARE NO OTHER TRADEMARKS/LOGOS VISIBLE. THERE'S EVEN A ROCKSTAR LOGO ON THE BATHROOM DOOR! Obviously this is a commercial tie-in precluding any possibility of a shred of spontanaity in this ad.

"Dude, I knew it was fake from the first five seconds."

Grr. Turkey something or other.
Footlong Turkey on Hearty Italian with lots and lots of peppers!  
its friday! weren't monz supposed to eat something more substantial today???  
omg! i just realized this is thursday's post! WHAT did monz eat today??? Friday????  
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