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Thursday, November 16, 2006

Monz = Action, Part Two!

The following transcript was obtained through a freedom of information act request. The parties identified as "T-Bone" and "Ronnie" are believed to be mid-level figures in a vast international criminal conspiracy.

T-Bone: "So?"
Ronnie: "They failed."
T-Bone: "I can see that -- I'm watching the footage now."
Ronnie: "It's hard to get quality help these days. Apparently Monz managed to ditch them within 10 minutes. They took their advance money, got high, and went after those choadas."
T-Bone: "And Monz?"
Ronnie: "Well...we hear this did inconvenience his morning a bit, so he couldn't cook his chicken lunch. Instead he'll probably have to go to The Place."
T-Bone: "[garbled]. So what the [garbled] do I say to the Chinese? I promised them the results they couldn't deliver. They're going to be pissed!"
Ronnie: "At least Monz isn't mocking you with...wait, what's that noise?"
Unknown Source: "Ah ha-ha!"
when does monz make an appearance and say: my name is MONZ... monzyummylunch MONZ...  
That's a good idea!  
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