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Thursday, November 30, 2006

Put the Meat on the Heat!

To celebrate another bbq chicken lunch (with honeycrisp apple and string cheese), we interviewed the Monz to get some bbq advice.

MYL: What kind of grill do you use?

Monz: Ducane

MYL: Do you like it?

Monz: Yes! It's brand new and it works -- what's not to like?

MYL: Do you use charcoals, and if so, what kind?

Monz: No, it's gas. Don't fall into the marketers' web of lies and deceit! You don't need coals. You don't need to marinate the meat, baste the meat, or put seasoning on the meat. Just put the meat on the heat, wait a beat, flip the beast, then eat the heated meat!

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