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Friday, December 22, 2006

Listen, Do You Want to Know a Secret?

Dittolunch from two days ago, except Sara Lee whole wheat bread. We implored Monz for more information about this and whatever else is going on in his life. An appologetic Monz replied "Nuttin' Don't know nothing, I've got nothing to say."

Maybe because Monz is preoccupied. As we've mentioned in the past, Mark Monz has a secret admirer. Actually he has lots, but this one sends him Christmas presents. As we have also mentioned, he believes that someone on the editorial staff (specifically, the EIC) is "the Secret." The EIC has strongly and consistently denied this, to no avail. He's offered to take a lie detector test and split the costs. Monz believes this is the pretending-not-to-be-The-Secret version of disinformation. Monz argues that the handwriting on the various items sent by The Secret vary, and that the postmarks on these packages are from places the EIC either lives or works near. The EIC counters that 1) he has never been shown these allegedly different handwriting specimens, 2) he lives and works in the city of Chicago (the same metro area as Monz grew up in and has many longtime admirers, of which The Secret can be many) and if The Secret truly wished to remain secret she (or he) would try to disguise their handwriting by various means (a typical Monz remark towards this end: "ok, you obviously got some chick to write this"). On and on it goes. We at MYL think it's time to get your input, dear reader. What does your intuition tell you?

Is the EIC "The Secret"?
Free polls from Pollhost.com

Thanks, EIC, for that link to an article you've obviously already read and taken steps to work around!  
I did not leave that comment!  
But I did cast a counterballancing vote, voter!  
The truth will out, Secret!!!  
EIC is the secret  
Monz is the secret!  
Cousin/EIC is the secret.  
Tips & Warnings
More than likely, your secret admirer wants you to discover his or her identity. Look carefully for any clues that might lead you to your secret admirer---fess up EIC. It is you.  
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