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Monday, April 02, 2007

Ink Is the Word!
Ink has played a seminal role in Monz' life. From his love of reading, to his love of writing, to his shining inspiration for a screenplay by the Literary Editor (LE) entitled...Ink! So it was innevitable that Monz ask us to run the following poll, but only after telling you today's lunch: today's special from "The Place," extra large, ok but homecooked lunches to come.
Should the Monz Get a Tattoo?
Free polls from Pollhost.com

Those who know the place know this means turkey/ham sub combo  
NO no noooo! (unless mrs. monz wants him to get one, then he should do it.)  
Mrs. Monz doesn't want him to get one.  
Monz has been saying for years he wants to get a tattoo and now that he does not work down the street from Jade Dragon anymore, I think he will not get one  
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