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Monday, October 15, 2007

Wisdom of the World!
The Fashion Editor (FE) found himself in rural Illinois this weekend and realized that upon his return he would be in need of an additional pair of dress socks. So he stopped by a local drugstore where he found some "No Nonsense 'Lookin' Good, Mister (tm)'" socks. Further inspection showed these socks were made in the good old USA and came with "a No nonsense tip: Most employers will let you take a break if you're at your boilign point. If you're about to do something really stupid at work, walk outside and take a deep breath. You'll be glad you did." The Socks of Widsom refer you to the No Nonsense Website for more tips.

Our tip to you: go to Whole Foods for two tofu spring rolls from WF, add a slice of homemade vegan pizza (leftover from the night before) a honeycrisp apple and a banana and have it for lunch. Like the Monz!
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