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Monday, November 05, 2007

Doing Good Like a Good Boy Should!
The editors are embarking this week in an experiment to see just how viable solar power is as an alternative energy source, thus saving the environment and western civilization (as we all know high oil prices fund some of the worst evildoers on the planet, including those awful Wild Bean Cafe commercials!). One discouraging note: the device pictured above claims patent protection, but the Legal Editor (LE) informs us that, at least for the U.S. patent, it's a scam: the "D" indicates "design patent," which doesn't cover the scientific invention but rather just the cosmetic appearance.

Thus, we leave the blog in the capable hands of...The Monz! Who kicked the week off with two tofu rolls from Whole Foods, a much covetted honeycrisp apple, and a banana.
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