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Tuesday, February 05, 2008

The Big Cheese!

A cold is going around the myl office which has our heads in a fog. We know something isn't right, but can't put our fingers on it. For example, yesterday the newspapers ran stories on the 70th anniversary of Kraft Macaroni and Cheese. A fine product, yes, but 70th anniversary? 50, sure, 75, no problem, but we're supposed to stop our lives every 5 years for this? Obviously a subtler, subliminal message is being sent. Now, you may not know this dear reader, but the EIC and Monz once had a discussion about the ulterior motives of the international Dart-Kraft company about 23 years ago in connection to a mutual acquaintance we suspected was a covert operator from overseas. Obviously we need to pursue this. And of course, this is the way to celebrate an anniversary!

In the meantime, Monz pursue's Chinese New Year week bliss at Fong's for broccoli with garlic sauce and veg soup. Fong's is celebrating with a special buffet ALL WEEK LONG! "5.95 for the yummy buffet, though its mostly beast-oriented food so I went with an old fave." And apparently word of the Monz' seal of approval is working well for them, as the place is getting crowded!
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