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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Cabinet Position For Monz!

A hearty lunch of peanut butter and peach(!) preserve sandwich on wholegrain bread, honeycrisp apple and original soupman(tm) soup.

The PE continues "Screwed Week" with this chilling warning. "A recent news story hints at a much wider government cover-up and conspiracy! A Texas man is accused of taking revenge on the government by releasing wild boars in Wisconsin, a non-native species which is now reeking havoc with the local ecosystem. Does this sound vaguely familiar? We're supposed to believe that the asian long-horn beetle and those asian big head carp and killer african bees are all "innocent" invasive species, carried to our shores by "ballast water" in ships or by strong winds or, get this, people who like "exotic pets." Ha! Clearly these are acts of domestic terrorism, meant to undermine the economy in ways no subprime mortgage scandal could. What can we do? I, myself, believe that a good first step would be for the next President to take Monz out of his secret superhero spy assignment and appoint him Director of Homeland Security!"
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