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Tuesday, December 30, 2008

And Don't Bother With Mr. In-Between!

A melancholy Monz heads to Plato's for chili, mixing in seemlessly with the local crowd and constables on patrol but not with much of an appetite. Most are there for the cheeseburger special, Monz is there for the chili. "Ask for no O's. O's are put on. O's are removed. Fun!"

So as you can see, Monz has a great ability to stay positive in a sea of negativity. Still, even Monz can use a recharge, so:

CBOD 38 Surviving & Thriving with Positive Energy
Ever wonder why you are attracted to certain people and not to others? Your personal energy is compatible with some people, but less so with others. Like an energy fingerprint, we each have a unique vibration. This thought-provoking approach explores what makes us who we are, our unique talents and how to use them. Meditation and visualization help attune your positive energies and special exercises will help develop them. You will learn how unseen vibration energy defines who you are, and how your thoughts create your life. Enhance positive thoughts and improve your life.

10AM - 4PM Saturday March 21st
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