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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Worlds Are Colliding!  

One of the few points of contention between the editors and The Man Himself has been over the value of local area public libraries. Recently we have been gratified that this gap of conceptualness has been dropping. Another such gap has to do with the opinion of yumminess of a certain area barbeque establishment (which claims to be bona fide not of this kind of area. Well, worlds are colliding because at a certain area library a certain owner of said establishment will be teaching how to cook their wares at homes. Homes like Monz'! Contact the editors for more info (at Monz' discretion, of course!) Meanwhile the Munificent One springs for another firm lunch: the long neglected jerry's taco's for huevos mexicanos, "NO RICE NO BEANS! Yum!"
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